
Goodbye Termites, Ants, and Roaches

Immediate Steps To Take When You Have A Mouse Problem

No one wants to wake up to signs of mouse activity in their home. Whether you spot a trail of mouse droppings or tell-tale nibble marks on unsecured food, the signs of a mouse sharing your home with you are never welcome. A pest control professional can help you rid your home of mice, but there are some important aspects of mice control that they don't typically handle. Here are some of the most important steps to take to mouseproof your home.

Secure Your Pantry

If you have never encountered a mouse in your home before, your pantry may not be mouse resistant. Mice can chew through cardboard boxes and plastic bags with ease, and determined mice may try to chew through hard plastic containers. Still, as long as you work with a pest control professional to remove the current mouse infestation, simple food storage practices can keep your food safe from mice in the future. 

First, make sure all of your food is stored in well-sealed containers. You can either remove foods from their original packages and store them in small airtight containers, or you can store foods in their original packages inside large plastic bins. Food-safe buckets work well for foods people typically buy in large volumes, including flour, sugar, and rice. You may need to rearrange your pantry to accommodate your new containers. 

Secure Other Sources of Mouse Food

Mice will eat almost anything they find. This includes trash, birdseed, and pet food. Make sure any trash can that has food scraps in it is secured with a tight-fitting lid. It's also a good idea to store pet food and birdseed in heavy plastic containers, such as food-safe buckets. If you keep snacks anywhere other than your kitchen, make sure they are stored in air-tight containers as well. If you have children, educate them on the importance of eating only in the kitchen and only throwing food scraps away in the kitchen trash can.

Clean Thoroughly

Crumbs, food spills, and dirty dishes are alluring to mice. Even if you have secured your pantry well, you will still be hosting a mouse feast on a nightly basis if you leave your kitchen sink and floor covered in bits of food. Make sure you vacuum or sweep the floors on a daily basis and wash the dishes and kitchen counters before going to bed. If you keep a clean home with mouse-resistant food storage containers, your home shouldn't attract new mice after the pest control specialists remove the current infestation.

To learn more about long-term mice control techniques, contact a local pest control service like Anteater Pest Control.

About Me

Goodbye Termites, Ants, and Roaches

Termites, ants, and roaches have to be some of the most common and most annoying household pests. Roaches make your home smell, and they also spread disease. Termites can chew anything made from wood to bits, and ants are just creepy with their tiny legs and nest-building capabilities. Pest control companies can keep all these nasty insects away, and they can also help manage less-common pests like earwigs and house centipedes. As annoying as pests are, pest control is a pretty interesting topic, and it's one we explore in more depth on this website. Start reading, and say goodbye to ants, roaches, and termites for good.


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